Best Educational Use of a Social Network 2010

Winners for Best Educational Use of a Social Network 2010….

  1. Winner: English Companion Ning
  2. First Runner Up: Learn German with Deutsche Welle
  3. Second Runner Up: Classroom 2.0

Congratulations to all winners.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the results tally!

You can grab your winner’s badge from here!

Summary of nomination and voting info:

  1. 49 nominations received for Best Educational Use of a Social Network 2010
  2. 19 social networks shortlisted for Best Educational Use of a Social Network 2010
  3. Total number of votes was 1,586
  4. Most nominated were:

Social networks nominated in alphabetical order!

  1. Digital Arts Education
  2. Challenge Yourself to Blog
  3. Classroom 2.0
  4. Connected Principals
  5. Edcamp Philly organizers
  6. ELTChat
  7. EFL Classroom 2.0
  8. English Companion Ning
  9. Fireside Learning Ning
  10. Helene Blowers, 23 Things
  11. Independent Schools Educators Network
  12. Learn German with Deutsche Welle
  13. MyEnglishClub
  14. New Media Literacies Community
  15. The Global Education Collaborative
  16. The Educator’s PLN
  17. UDL4ALL
  18. Voices of the Gulf
  19. VSTE

And the results are!

7 responses to “Best Educational Use of a Social Network 2010”

  1. […] consider voting for the Classroom Ning as the best educational use of a social network at…. Consider voting for Classroom 2.0 Ning again or the Global Education Conference held in November […]