Scroll down this page to view the shortlisted nominations in this category in alphabetical order.
To vote for your favorite just choose the category from the drop down menu below you want to vote in, who you want to vote for and then click Vote.
- You can vote in as many categories as you want per day!
- Please note only one vote per category per day will be counted per IP address.
- This means, if your school uses one IP address, you’ll need to ask students and staff to vote from home, or only one vote will count 🙂
6 responses to “Best mobile app 2011”
Common Core Standards is made by Mastery Connect. Both are listed as different apps. Please remove one of them.
This was fixed – thanks for pointing it out! 🙂
My colleague and I, both educators, have created a few educational apps for teachers. Here is a code for Pick Me, which allows teachers to randomly select students. Nothing fancy. Enjoy.
I’m glad you are highlighting innovative teaching! I am interested in technology & education, so I find this very helpful.
[…] Edublog Best Apps for Education […]
Why isn’t Nearpod on this list?????? best mobile app I’ve seen so far, I hope it’s going to be on the 2012 list at least! 🙂