2005 Winners Announced

If you weren’t able to join us earlier you can now enjoy the party over at EdTechTalk. You can also check out the vote stats. Dave Cormier has also posted his list of the top ten news events of the edublogging year – his top picks which ran (pretty contentiously) through the awards announcements. Check them out and leave your comments!

Well done to everyone! If you weren’t able to make an acceptance speech (or even if you were) please do feel free to mail in a paragraph and/or a link to a post on your blog about your win! We took a total of 3268 votes this year.

The International Edublog Awards Winners 2005

* Most innovative edublogging project, service or programme 2005

James Farmer: Edublogs

“Sometimes when people win something and say “it wasn’t me, it was the team” etc. you know they’re really talking out of their arses and they do in fact entirely think it was them but feel compelled to say otherwise. However, this isn’t always the case and I promise you that I am in no way talking out of my arse when I say that Elgg is an amazing and developing product that Dave & Ben have put together in an incredible way, Ed Tech Talk is another two-man stunning production and Stephen’s Web must have had more man hours put into it than most decent sized buildings. Whereas all I’ve done is whack up a blogging service which a bunch of people seem to have found useful… So, seriously, and I promise you with no arse at all, this isn’t for me, it’s for the people who use edublogs.org”

* Best newcomer 2005

Konrad Glogowski: Blog of proximinal development

* Most influential post, resource or presentation 2005

George Siemens: Connectivism: Learning as Network-Creation

* Best designed/most beautiful edublog 2005

D’Arcy Norman: D’Arcy Norman Dot Net

* Best library/librarian blog 2005

Joyce Valenza: Joyce Valenza’s NeverEnding Search

* Best teacher blog, joint winners 2005

Konrad Glogowski: Blog of proximinal development

Anne Davis: Edublog Insights

* Best audio and/or visual blog 2005

Dave Cormier and Jeff Lebow: Ed Tech Talk

* Best example/ case study of use of weblogs within teaching and learning 2005

Thomas Hawke, Thomas Stiff, Susan Stiff, Diane Hammond (YES I Can! Science team): Polar Science

“Thank you very much! The Polar Science Project was developed and coordinated by the YES I Can! Science team – Dr. Thomas Stiff, Susan Stiff and Diane Hammond of McMaster University in Canada. The project blogs were one of many communication tools we used to give students the opportunity to interact with Canadian scientist Dr. Thomas Hawke, as he conducted research on the aerobic capacity of Weddell seals in Antarctica.

We would like to thank Dr. Hawke for his interesting and informative articles, and all of the students and their teachers for their insightful questions and observations.”

* Best group blog 2005

Rudolf Amman, Aaron Campbell, Barbara Dieu: Dekita.org

* Best individual blog 2005

Stephen Downes: OLDaily


20 responses to “2005 Winners Announced”

  1. I said this in the chat during the awards, and I’ll add it here as well for the permanent record. A big hearty “w00t” needs to go out to Josie for putting all this together this year, to James for starting the ball rolling, and to Jeff and Dave for hosting the party. We need a special category to recognize the contributions of those who make it happen! Thanks for doing that.
    All of us in the EdTech Posse – Alec Couros, Dean Shareski, Rick Schwier and myself felt that it was indeed an honour to receive a nomination in a field that included so many people that I enjoy reading and listening to (and many people that I will be sure to add to my RSS aggregator or podcatcher). The best part was the feeling of community that arose in the chat room during the ceremony. We need to be gathering together this way much more often.

  2. Edublog Awards

    Edublog Award winners announced…I suggest, if you haven’t yet, to bookmark the original list. Some great articles and resources are listed….

  3. I read : “Best example/ case study of use of weblogs within teaching and learning 2005
    Thomas Hawke, Thomas Stiff, Susan Stiff, Diane Hammond (YES I Can! Science team): Polar Science”

    It’s OK with 21%

    But I don’t see the name of Mrs Dafne Gonzalez with her blog : Rhythm in Architecture http://dyg-brainmaps.buzznet.com/user/ with also 21%

    How was the rule to decide who has been the winner? flipping a coin?

  4. I was surprised not to see her blog mentioned either, Jean Michel. There was a tie between Anne and Konrad in the best teacher blog category and here, for best case study of blogs, according to the percentage of votes cast, we have the same.

    Why isn’t Rhythm and Architecture in the winner list as well? Does not seem fair to me unless there is some other explanation we are not aware of. Josie?

  5. Hi Bee – I didn’t mention it earlier – although I have mailed a couple of people – because I was hoping to have time to get the graphics sorted out over here. In the Best Example category there were a total of 410 votes; Polar Science got 88 votes, Rhythm in Architecture 85. On the polls over at the pollmonkey site the Rhythem in Architecture shows up as having 20% of the vote – on the poll that is being picked up over here, they are down as having 21% – and this does add up. I’ll get screenshots of the numerical breakbown over hear as soon as possible.

    In the meantime, I’m really sorry for any confusion caused, especially as the vote was so close and the blogs and people in the shortlist were all so worthy of winning.

  6. Thanks for the clear explanation, Josie. We are aware statistics are not as accurate as the numerical breakdown as they add up to make percentages look a round figure.

    All in all, it’s the process, the number of edublogs that were submitted, the connections and awareness of others and what is being done in the field that count and not the individual result per se.

    Have a wonderful holiday season. Congrats and thanks for all the work and involvement in the edublog cause.
    Warm regards from Brazil,

  7. Decimal percentages are now on so it’s a little clearer!
    Happy Chanukah and Christmas everyone, & however you spend it, I hope you all have a great break.

  8. […] In Edublog Insights, which won the 2005 Edublog Awards in the best teacher blog category, she reflects, discusses, and explores the possibilities of blogging in the classroom. Here is some advice she offers for those about to enter the blogging world (any parallels with learning a foreign language?): […]

  9. Where to Find Vision and New(s) Direction

    The Philidelphia Enquirer article was the first I found to recognize the recent EduBlog Awards…and I do belive they ‘get it’: “When I look for vision and new direction in the educational technology community, I look to professional blogs. The cutt…

  10. […] Learning Goal: Post to a blog. Start to think about possibilities for blogging. Screencast: Using WordPress to Blog Resources/Activities: Do some reading — check out some of these blogs: weblogg-ed – especially Will’s Why Weblogs; EduBlog Award Winners; Alex’s List of Edubloggers. What now: Comment on one. Participate in a conversation. Comment on this post to let us know what you learned and how you could use this to enhance the learning experiences of your students. Share what problems/solutions you came up with here […]

  11. […] In Edublog Insights, which won the 2005 Edublog Awards in the best teacher blog category, she reflects, discusses, and explores the possibilities of blogging in the classroom. Here is some advice she offers for those about to enter the blogging world (any parallels with learning a foreign language?): […]