Time to get organised…

Well, the awards were fantastic this year and it’s great to see so many people talking about them. What makes the Eddies so special is that they are so firmly anchored in the edublogging community. So, if you have some good ideas about how the awards could be improved, make sure you share them. I’d love to hear from you! I’d also like to try and drum up some volunteers to help out with next years awards – so if you’d like to actively participate in an international awards event, let me know – either through the comments here or by email. I’m looking for people to work the following 2006 Edublog Awards sub-committees:

* Non-English language edublog participation
To ensure we are supporting and including bloggers writing in languages other than English

* Funding & Sponsorship
So we can afford publicity materials and prizes

* Publicity & Press
Responsible for spreading the word and designing publicity materials and graphics

* Women’s edublog participation
To make sure the contribution of women edubloggers is recognised

Please think about volunteering, or if you can’t – why not spread the word we’re looking for volunteers? Working on the awards is a great opportunity and a lot of fun.


5 responses to “Time to get organised…”

  1. Congrats to Stephen Downes

    Congrats to Stephen Downes and his blog. He won the best individual edblogger award in this years EdBlogger Awards. He writes the best blog in the educational field hands down. Congrats to Stephen….

  2. Edublog Awards 2006

    Das Jahr ist noch jung und schon ist der Blick nach vorne gerichtet:
    Well, the awards were fantastic this year and it’s great to see so many people talking about them. (…) I’m looking for people to work the following 2006 Edublog Awards sub-committ

  3. Hi Carol – as little or as much as you like – I’m really looking for people with good ideas, to brainstorm and to have fun with the awards. Thanks for your offer! There are a fair few people who have been kind enough to volunteer so far, so it should be an interesting year…

    Happy New Year to everyone!

  4. Hi.. I am happy to find your comment on volunteers .. I wish to volunteer for you. kindly let me know the field and location of where you need me to volunteer for you because i am a broadbrand .. Thanks to God anyway …..This year I wish to volunteer as much as I can because God is good to me all the time. so I am willing to bless others in so many way I could to share my ideas and training.. or anywhere suitable …

    You can get in touch with me through my contact details below with the available placement and location.

    Kayode Onabanjo
    E-mail : kayonas2000@yahoo.com