The Edublog Awards were inspiring to me last year because I was able to discover exciting new blogs and to follow their links to other innovators. I am thrilled to have been nominated because I believe in participatory culture and want to stimulate others to think about school libraries and issues in education. I encourage everyone to explore all the blogs listed and their archives, not just their opening pages. You may be amazed at the diversity covered in the past year alone.
DeepThinking is written by Diane R. Chen, elementary library information specialist at Hickman Elementary School in Nashville, Tennessee, USA. Originally intended to more deeply explore the issues facing school librarians, this blogger reserves the right to ramble and reminisce about life, education issues, technology, and family challenges while working to inspire metacognition and delving deeper into thinking/learning for the students ranging in ages from 2 years old to 11 years (grades PreK – 4).
Judy O’Connell: Making fortunate discoveries – Web 2.0, Library 2.0 and more..
I am completely fascinated by emerging technologies, the development of Web 2.0, and what this all means for schools and school libraries. In May 2006 I created HEYJUDE specifically to engage in reflection, learning and social networking with others. Since then I have been inspired by so many people in the blogosphere, that this inspiration has flowed over into my work as an Education Officer (Library & Knowledge Management), with Catholic Education in the Western region of Sydney. Web 2.0 has become my ‘signature’ and my passion! and have been described as being “a mini tornado, stirring things up, moving them around and finally settling us all in a new information environment”.
Our Bibliosphere News was the first of many Web 2.0 initiatives … and the momentum keeps growing! I also happen to be Vice-President (Association Relations) of IASL, which might have given me a head-start in working with colleagues around the world. Not so! The reality is that nothing prepared me for the professional learning buzz that HEYJUDE would become. The amazing personal and professional links with fellow bloggers, social bookmarkers, photo-sharers, bloglines buddies, and fellow poddies (yes, that’s what we do with words in Australia…truckies, roadies, firies, sparkies…) has been terrific. Thanks EVERYONE!
This blog has exceeded all our expectatations. It was set up in July 2006 by a small group of Australian librarian bloggers to foster a community of online librarians to discuss issues affecting our profession and to promote professional development and learning. In only a few months it has grown to accommodate more contributors and an increasing readership. It has also generated two associated blogs, one covering a conference and the other to encourage librarians to explore virtual worlds and how they can be used to enhance library services. Who are we… these are the core group that got the blog started, but others can and do register as contributors. We actually have a frappr map for our community —
Bronwyn – Brisbane, Queensland
CW – Perth, Western Australia
Morgan – Blue Mountains, New South Wales
Peta Hopkins- Gold Coast, Queensland,
Kathryn Greenhill – Perth, Western Australia
snail — Sydney, New South Wales
tango — Melbourne, Victoria
techxplorer — Adelaide, South Australia
Tanja Messerli: I am a Swiss Bookseller and a teacher of (Book) Selling. I like to educate apprentices who have chosen this unprofitable but great profession usually because they love reading books and talking about it. A profession with a touch of everything: literature, science, investigation, consultation but also selling, buying, exhibiting, calculating – commercial stuff.
I belong to the German speaking part of Switzerland and so German my Blog’s language and the language of my commercial school’s website.
I adore what librarians do, but I write about what bookshellers (should) do. In connection I wrote my first posting in English.
The L Files is the blog of Bond University Library. Bond is Australia’s only private, independent, not for profit university. Around 4000 students studied at Bond last year – it is an international university with approximately half of the students and staff coming from overseas. The L Files was established as an alternative communication medium between the Library and its customers. A number of library staff are regular contributors to the blog and in some instances posts have elicited comments from students. In this way, the blog has served to improve two way communication and has provided an easy way for students to provide feedback to the Library on particular services announced through the blog. Posts have ranged from announcements about new titles in the Library to new electronic resources to assignment tips for particular courses and also some fun things like donuts in the Law Library.
3 responses to “Best Library/Librarian Blog 2006 Finalists”
Even if I don’t know much about awards:
Thank you.
What an honor! I truly enjoy reading the other blogs listed here and appreciate being recognized for my unusual approach to thinking about school librarianship.
Good luck to everyone for tonight’s award. I’ve enjoyed looking at all of your blogs.