Most Influential Blog Post 2010

The winners of the Most Influential Blog Post 2010….

  1. Winner: Frank Noschese”s The $2 interactive whiteboard
  2. First Runner Up: Joyce Valenza’s Things I think teacher librarians should unlearn (20 & counting)
  3. Second Runner Up: Joyce Seitzinger’s Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers

Congratulations to all winners.

You can grab your winner’s badge from here!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see the results tally!

Summary of nomination and voting info:

  1. 77 nominations received for Most Influential Blog Post 2010
  2. 21 posts shortlisted for Most Influential Blog Post 2010
  3. Total number of votes was 610
  4. Most nominated posts for this category were:

Posts nominated in alphabetical order!

  1. Anthony Cody’s The Media’s War on Teachers
  2. Dan Meyer’ s My TEDxNYED Session — Math Curriculum Makeover
  3. Dean Shareski’s How To Make Better Teachers
  4. Edna Sackson’s 10 Things you can’t just do on Monday in Period 6
  5. Joyce Seitzinger’s Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers
  6. Frank Noschese”s The $2 interactive whiteboard
  7. Gavin Dudeney’s Bullied, Blackmailed, Defamed, Threatened…
  8. Gavin Dudeney’s Second Life – The Long Goodbye
  9. Jeremy Harmer’s  Why I walked out – but would you?
  10. Jeremy Harmer’s No Dogma for EFL – away from a pedagogy of essential bareness
  11. John Lester’s With every Exodus comes Expansion: Educators and Non-profits in Second Life
  12. Joyce Valenza’s Things I think teacher librarians should unlearn (20 & counting)
  13. Kelly Tenkely’s Do you-want to form an alliance-with me?
  14. Kelly Tenkely’s Twitter Academy
  15. Lee Kolbert’s  I’m Not Who You Think I Am
  16. Paul Bogush’ s A heart so empty…
  17. Peter Bromberg’ s 10 Steps to Promote Learning in Your Conference Presentation
  18. Scott McLeod’s We can’t let educators off the hook
  19. Shelly Blake-Plock’s Why teachers should blog
  20. Win Chamberlain’s EdCampKC: A Rather Painful Reflection
  21. Zachary Chase’s They’re breaking teachers

And the results are!

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