Best overall group blog

Nominate your choice for best overall group blog.


15 responses to “Best overall group blog”

  1. Well, I’ll nominate GrandTextAuto, definitely. With Many2many as a runner up – and see, here’s the problem, of COURSE I’m going to find the blogs that are closest to my own area of research the most useful. I mean, I honestly do think GrandTextAuto a wonderfully-written weblog that’s frequently updated, fosters good conversations in the comments, is hosted by scholars who are experts in the field, has links to almost everything important that happens in the field and so on, and I prefer it to other group blogs in the vicinity of this research, but perhaps I’d prefer Many2many if social software were my primary research area. It’s also well written by experts with useful links and so on.

    Surely this will just be decided by how many people vote within each area of research?

  2. Interesting thought Jill, I’d hope that when it comes to voting we can be impartial to a degree from our discipline areas, perhaps a nice byproduct is that we can look over the fence and see if we like it…

  3. We are 2 students of advertising and public relations in ESIC (a Spanish business school) We want to do a new concept of blog, is a universitary perpective of our sector.