Some more info about Second Life

Jo Kay has sent some more information about the Second Life location:

Getting Ready for the EduBlog Awards

The gala Edublog Awards Ceremony will be held on the Island of jokaydia in Second Life @ on Saturday 8th at 1:30pm SL time. (See @ for your local time.) After the event avatars are welcome to join us for dancing and a few virtual drinks in celebration.

For those new to Second Life – you will need to setup an avatar and practice before the event. For further info, check out the Getting Started in Second Life resources available on the Second Life in Education Wiki – You can also IM jokay Wollongong in Second Life if you require further assistance.

For those who would like to learn how to dress up for the event check out How to Dress Up Your Avatar @

Please note – places on the Island at the ceremony will fill up quick and we do have a limit, so get there early! 😉 There will be a secondary sim (location) setup with a simulcast of the audio from the event – more info on that coming soon.

6 responses to “Some more info about Second Life”

  1. There are also going to be locations at WorldBridges and Twitter for those of you not able or wanting to meet up in SL. More info very shortly! Best, Josie.