The nominations are up and voting is now open in the 2008 Edublog Awards.
Voting is open until 9AM Australian Eastern Standard Time on Sunday December 21st… and the awards ceremony will be held in Second life at 10AM (more on that to come soon).
Some important changes to the way we’re doing things this year are:
– One vote per IP per category (sorry, it’s the only way to avoid rigging, to a degree, your colleagues and students are just gonna have to go vote from home… or from their iphones 😉
– You can vote for multiple blogs / sites at the same time, so vote once, but vote broadly!
– Results will not be displayed at all (we’re keeping them *completely* secret until the awards ceremony)
– Also, you’ll notice there are more nominations this time… that reflects the ever growing edublogosphere and also the quality of the nominations, nice work guys!
If you’ve been nominated, grab a badge from beneath your poll and whack it in your sidebar linking back to the poll, nominations will be listed on those pages forevermore so wear ’em with pride.
And I’m absolutely sure there are a few typos, stuffed up links, etc. etc. 🙂 So, let me know about them in the comments below and I’ll fix ’em up in a jiffy.
So, what are you waiting for… go check out all those outstanding blogs, and vote for them!
10 responses to “Voting now open in the 2008 awards!”
[…] is open through Saturday, December 20, 5pm Eastern Standard Time; (GMT -5). Check out the rest of the voting categories as […]
These awards are great, but I will ask the same question I asked last year: How come there is not a category for Best Administrator/Principal Blog?
Just because 🙂
We had that category a while back I think and it never garnered the popularity we thought it might.
That is a shame because there are a lot of principals now blogging successfully. For me, blogging has changed the way I work and my own professional development. Maybe in the future you could look at adding this category again??
We will… appreciate the feedback.
Students in my classes were trying to vote for best individual blog but there is no voting form visible only the links to the URLs. How can they vote for this please?
It looks like the voting forms are dropping out every now and then, it’s a polldaddy issue, there are still a good 2 weeks left to vote though 🙂
[…] an improvement with each year in determing the nominations and even the process for voting. From James Farmer’s blog I read: Well, first up a list of every single nomination would be, quite simply, too […]
How do you get nominated and alerted about the awards for 2009?
I would like to enter my blog ‘Welcome to the QUAD’.
Many thanks
THE EDU-BLOG AWARDS : Voting in the 2008 awards
Blog Issues related to voting learning
Membership No.: 294336
Blogs of The University
There is a general belief in society that the blog perception and administrator domain are entirely different. If an individual advances in one, the other declines by and large in proportion. Although this requires to be established through campus blog. But, there are also some comments that if the administrator people get involved in managing institutions/ campuses / systems, they excel in their performance. The Institutions become quite effective and efficient. Showing an everlasting impact. The resources consumed by them and performance(Output) in terms of teacher/administrator quality, quantity, impact, sustainability, productivity and entrepreneurial effectiveness depict a very large quantum jump. This also needs to be established through research.
The comment is based on individual for voting conservation in the Edu-blog context developing this year. There are two areas, one is developing a Edu-blogs and the second is emphasis on administrator.
The Edu-blogs campus, the only one of its time in award, has been consistently involved in understanding and comprehending teachers, leaders, educators, researchers and administrators/Knowledge/ perceptions for their important changes. This comment is based on individual thinking for Edu-blog award where many students are participating and contributing in defining, adding, analyzing, experimenting and designed so that the students and completion of the research innovation program, find a blog and role within the existing situation and the campus process. Within the existing administrators role they possess definite skills and expertise to generate new award knowledge about the blog category. The new way of the blog is education attained through an exposure to research. Being a Edu-blog campus, even if one did not find a permanent solution, still the validity was that it provided the means for a blog educational development (BED) of intellectual and other abilities and helps one to be a better administrator / teacher / educator where the Edu-blogs campus of work includes open voting in 2008 awards. This is possible because we see this blog as a knowledge blog, and all round education and research.
One of he primary reason why Edu-blogs campus has not had an impact on the times of ordinary students in the current institutions backwardness in education development. Best administrator is certainly the most important of beneficial social change and elevation of special ideals. Talent which separate him from his person, it does not bring him close to their blossom. Our problem is not educational, innovational and cultural problem, problem is the problem of quality of modern knowledge. Quality of campus education, a total absence of learning creativity which could raise a great voice and summon us to the finest idea of our knowledge. Most of the perceptive and non-perceptive persons recognized the existence of malevolent and benevolent : powers in the world. The supernatural powers are the mightiest in all the matters and by this they have many superstitions in their mind. Most of these beliefs are related to Edu-blogs only and what is why most of non-perceptive persons their problems up to the blog power and which a crone (Jadugarani) that is called finder.
In this comment below, I have setout more questions than answers, hoping to stimulate the administrator/teacher educator reflection and valuable comment. The comment is on many issues which affects all others : conceptualizing quality. How would your answer the following? Is blogs issues a universal, absolute, knowable, coherent, reasoned, orderly, value-free truth, arrive at through disinterested inquiry, and transcending place, culture and history, or is it relative, multiple uncertain, diverse, disorderly, value -laden, dynamic and changing, contextually and temp orally specific meanings arrive at through continuing, inclusive award dialogue and negotiation? (Devendra shows).
Blog is relative, with contextually specific meanings, showing respect for diversity, how do we guarantee that the result is enervating and not a possible reduction to a disconnected individualism or a group self interest, which as no real knowledge for interdependence and relationships of responsibility for others, and no interest in the common good. Can blog issue be defined nationally (or internationally) or must it be defined locally? If locally defined, how does one monitor rational programs and draw conclusions for voting policy and awarding? If blog means different things to different teachers/administrators, can it be captured in a specific test or scale or do we need multiple measures? Can (should) the same standers be applied to all teacher and to all voting programs?
The most common way of looking at blog quality, at present, seems to be in terms of standardized learning out comes. For instance, the education for all global monitoring systems : ‘The University of blogs’ and ‘The quality imperative’ recognizes that many education and research traditions have enriched the blog quality award and spawned distinct visions of how the objectives of education / research should be achieved, and presents a knowledge framework within which to consider blog quality. Nevertheless, its work-a day definition is in terms of cognitive outcomes. The blog quality of the teaching and learning process is Judged mainly in terms of the relationship of its characteristics to cognitive learning outcomes (particularly international University blog tests).
Although outcomes provide one important basis for judging quality, there are pit-falls. It has proven extremely difficult, everywhere, true agree upon a definition, and a measure, of desired developmental and / or learning outcomes for every for very young student. Which definition do we take? And, do we associate blog quality with immediate outcomes or to outcomes over a period of time (allowing for possible ‘Washout’ or ‘sleeper effects’)? How blog is blog? How do we take voting variables into award? As we grapple with these blog issues, I would urge that we :
? Take multiple perspectives into teacher education /administrator and look for ways to negotiate meaning.
? Be willing to produce more attention to local definitions that take blog context in to award.
? Work hard at obtaining clarity about out comes we would like, but remain aware of narrow definitions linked only to cognitive or literacy outcomes.
For learning environment and blog process to be one of quality, it should reflect the society in which we would like to live and where we want our teacher educators to socialize. If University blog process is not democratic are does not respect diversity or treat student equitably, If it continues to use physical punishment or fails to foster creativity or choose your own values, it may not promote blog quality, regardless of what teachers knowledge and cognitive blog outcomes it produces. Looking at such measures of blog quality in the teacher educators process, let us know how well we are trying to affect those difficult – to -measure but desired outcomes too often set aside.
Rather than starting from a comment of university blog values (UBVs), many approaches of blog quality learning environments (BQLE) seem to derived from effectiveness studies most of which have been carried out in high income countries, often at higher education level, and in relation to narrowly defined outcome measures. This comment produces a long view of desirable attributes that a teachers learning environment (TLE) should have (meet) if it is to be judged to be one of University blog quality.
The End