The nominations are up and voting is now open in the 2009 Edublog Awards.
Voting is open until 12 PM Australian Eastern Standard Time on Wednesday December 16th…and the winners will be announced at the Edublog Awards ceremony (more on that to come soon).
The winner of each category will get:
- A years free Edublogs Campus subscription for themselves or their institution worth US$900!
- 10-seat Elluminate room for each winner!
- As well as tasty Winner badge and respect of your peers
Here’s some important voting tips:
- One vote per IP per category — sorry, it’s the only way to avoid rigging, to a degree, your colleagues and students are just gonna have to go vote from home… or from their iphones 😉
- You can vote for multiple categories at the same time, so vote once, but vote broadly!
- Results will not be displayed at all — we’re keeping them *completely* secret until the awards ceremony
About The Nominations!
You’ll notice there are more nominations, and excellent quality, this year reflecting the ever growing edublogosphere — nice work guys!
Unfortunately we can’t list every single nomination in each category — that’s too overwhelming for everyone.
Instead our intrepid team of judges combed through hundreds of nominated sites to whittle them down to a manageable number of shortlisted nominations for each category.
There are many factors that determine whether a nomination is shortlisted, and some categories were considerably more competitive than others due to the incredible number of nominations,.
Apologies in advance if your site or nominated sites don’t make it.
For example, sites weren’t shortlisted:
- If they obviously didn’t fit the category (such as Nings or wikis being nominated in blog categories)
- If they were self nominations
- If they didn’t follow the nomination submission process
Other factors used for shortlisting included:
- For blogs and influential posts – indicators of reader engagement (such as comments, bookmarking, pingbacks)
- For Tweeters – conversation indicators (such as number of following/followers, types of conversations, whether account was public or private)
I’m absolutely sure there are a few typos, stuffed up links, etc. etc. 🙂 So, let me know about them in the comments below and I’ll fix ‘em up in a jiffy.
About The Nomination Badges!
Yes! We have badges for everyone who has been shortlisted.
And I’m really excited to announce that we’ve gone for an entirely new look!
But I’m going to have to get you to wait until tomorrow as I’ve had to ask for another coat of paint 🙁 — soz but I’m sure you’ll love them as much as I do!
If you’ve been nominated, come back tomorrow to grab a badge from beneath your poll and whack it in your sidebar linking back to the poll, nominations will be listed on those pages forevermore so wear ‘em with pride.
So, what are you waiting for…
Go check out all those outstanding blogs, and vote for them!
26 responses to “Voting is Now Open For The 2009 Edublog Awards”
Thanks for having my blog on the list, but the name is The Educators’ Royal Treatment. Can you please change it on the nom. lists?
Thanks for all. ;>)
[…] You can learn details of the voting at Voting is Now Open For The 2009 Edublog Awards. […]
Very interesting with useful content.
Wow, many thanks for the nomination to the “best resource sharing blog”, I’m up against some inspiring competition.
All the best everyone, David.
where do you vote???
Thanks so much for shortlisting Bright Ideas under the best library/librarian blog. Thanks to those who nominated the blog. It’s all very exciting!
I’m honored to have The File Cabinet shortlisted. Thanks so much!
Thank you so much for the nomination of Betchablog in this year’s awards. It’s quite an honour to be nominated, especially when I look at the list of other nominations! I feel humbled to be even mentioned in the same list as some of those other great thinkers and writers!
The competition gets tougher and more impressive every year, so thanks for including me!
[…] – Technology TidbitsBest Resource Sharing Blog – Technology Tidbits Thoughts of a Cyber HeroClick here to cast your vote on all the great nominees…Thanks!! Sphere: Related Content Posted by […]
Casey … Vote here:
David Hopkins,
I share Casey’s confusion. Where do you vote?! The link you provided lists the short list but does not show how or where to vote.
[…] Whoops. Seems YA! Cast was nominated, but did not make the final cut somehow. […]
Hi Edublogs,
I believe Gail Desler nominated my podcast (YA! Cast) for the best educational use of audio, but it is not listed currently. Could you correct this oversight?
Hi and thanks for the nomination. I am honored to be among some of the very best in educational technology. This resource wiki is a personal and professional endeavor of mine and will continue as long as I can continue to read, learn, share and inspire others to use technology in their classrooms.
@Robert sorry but due to the number of nominations most categories went through a short listing process.
@Cheryl congratulations for making it onto the shortlist of nominations for educational use of wikis.
I feel there should a specialist blog category. You have it for librarians. Check out my blog at
Keep’em Moving!!!!!!!!!
@Michael We are always happy to consider other categories suggestions and ultimately it will depend on the popularity of that category.
We’re planning on discussing category suggestions during the Edublog Award Ceremony – time permitting.
However your blog definitely fits with the Class blog category.
Just learned that our wiki has been nominated in the category “Best Educational Wiki 2009”.
Its name is misspelled though 🙂
Should be “EduTech Wiki” or “EduTechWiki” but not Ed Tech Wiki.
@Daniel Thanks for letting us know and we’ve now corrected that. Can you check and confirm it is now all correct?
It’s perfect now – thanx 🙂
Thank you very much to everyone for getting Hatak’s AP Chemistry Podcast shortlisted. What a great honor.
Thanks so much for shortlisting My Audio School for consideration in Best Educational use of Audio. We feel so privileged to be considered among so many fine sites, particularly as this is our very first year on the Web!
Thanks for the nomination! But please check the spelling of my name….
Cheers ; D
Must the blog be like educational?
It looks like a small-scale event though,
And it’s within Australia itself only right?
@isaac The blog must be educational context. Definitely not a small scale event — each year it attracts a lot of attention and it is global not limited to Australia.
[…] VOTE HERE […]